Dear Dalton,
I know you can hear my voice every single day and I absolutely love knowing that. But I wanted to write you a letter telling you some things that I may not say aloud as often as I should.
First off, I want you to know that more than anything in this world, I want you to know God. He is your creator, the one who has kept you fighting for so long when all odds are against you. He knit you within my womb, without Mommy even knowing it, and he continues to cradle you now. You are the greatest surprise blessing Daddy and I have ever had.
You have already taught Mommy and Daddy so much about ourselves and you have not even come into this world yet. You have taught us to fight for what we hope for, to not take "no, there is nothing we can do" for an answer, to love each other unconditionally, that not everything goes as expected, and most importantly you have taught us that with God all things are possible.
In your life you may encounter some people who may not put all of their faith in the Lord, and when you do, you need to pray for them. Understand that they may not have been put in a situation yet in their lives that has put their backs so far up against a wall that a decision needed to be made, trust in the Lord with all you have or fall apart into the deepest pit of sadness. In our family, we choose to trust in the Lord. Though some of his decisions may not be the ones you were hoping for, they are in the plan and knowing that one day we will all be granted eternal life, should be comfort enough.
Just as you have been such a fighter this whole time, Mommy and Daddy are going to fight like crazy once you get here. We are going to fight the odds and with hope in our faith, we will win. It's not going to be easy when you do come into this world, for this we are sure. But when you do, we want you to keep that warrior spirit that we know you have within.
No matter what sweet boy, please don't give up. If you promise not to, we promise not to. We will never give up on you, no matter how long you are here. Whether we are fighting for your rights at the hospital, at a school, or even with your future siblings you may tiff with, we will never give up on you. We made that decision when the Doctors recommended termination and we said "No!". From that point forward we have made it known to all that we will fight for you, our son, for as long as we live.
You are the love of our lives and you complete us.
I pray that we get the most time possible with you and we cannot wait to meet you!
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